University lithoprinters, or ULItho, has been an Ann Arbor staple for professional printing for 75 years. As friends, our vendor, and a client, we worked with them over a number of years to design a rebrand for the company, printed materials on their services, client giveaways, and much more. Featured above are a company folder and identity system, a redesigned brochure, a promotional flip calendar for their clients, 75th anniversary materials, and holiday promotions featuring a hand-drawn print for a set of wrapping paper and gift tags. 

The 75th anniversary materials feature a personalized leaved behind inviting their clients to get involved in their new PURL (personalized URL) system, showcasing their variable data printing system. The piece features a spot-gloss interior holding stacks of cards to create a puzzle while learning more about ULitho’s history. The enclosed card invites the client to log into the PURL website, and enter their information to set up a sit-down with a ULitho rep, and receive their free t-shirt.


Branding, packaging